A visual journal about algorithmic art, mainly designed for pen plotters.
I am using the R programming language to write algorithms that generate digital images. It’s very much like swaying a tool originally made for statistical analysis and quantitative display of information for artistic endeavors.
I’m curious how creative coding, by reducing the time between implementing changes and observing their effects, can develop intuition for making visual art.
My work involves altering existing datasets, treating them as malleable materials to craft diverse visual representations, from figurative to abstract interpretations of natural subjects.
Rather than digital printing, I am interested in using a pen-plotter to draw my work on paper. Somehow, I assume that the constraints imposed by this machine are a nice frame to the flexibility of code.
This site documents the ideas underlying the functioning of the algorithms, along with some digital outputs. Most of the code to study and reproduce these works is released on github .
Unless stated otherwise, the art on this site is released under a open license: you are free to reuse the work as long as you attribute the original to me, and derivative works must use the same license.
I’m also learning and experimenting in my day job as a scientist in crop ecology.